Vivacious Health & Vitality

Everyone WANTS to live in a Healthy, Vivacious, Gorgeous Body! The Beauty and Health industries are multi billion dollar industries because of how much we value our looks and health. We all want to live in VITALITY and LOVE how we look!
Can you imagine how life could be different for you if you had a wee bit more energy? Felt a bit better in your skin? Loved how you looked in the mirror?
Imagine standing taller, walking with more grace, speaking with confidence and eloquence in a room full of strangers. And what about feeling totally radiant standing naked in front of your intimate partner, sober and with the lights on.
The FREE~way to INCREASE Your Vitality and IMPROVE Your Health
…Is to ACCEPT and LOVE yourself and your body. By accepting and loving your body you will see and experience changes that you can’t even perceive at this moment. You will become more fit, healthy and confident. You may find that it’s suddenly so easy to go to the gym or that yoga class that before seemed so challenging to fit into your schedule. You will skip the bag of chips at the end of the day and whip yourself up a veggie snack. You may find yourself experiencing Deep and Complete PLEASURE, fully enjoying that cheesecake whenever you want because you won’t want it everyday. You will feel liberated when you get naked by yourself and with your partner.

Gratitude & Steps
Gratitude is a game changer and to improve your health the gratitude must be about you!
Be patient with yourself. Simple isn’t always easy. One baby step at a time.
The Practice…
- When you lay down each night to go to sleep get yourself as comfy as possible.
- Lights off, eyes closed.
- Notice how you are breathing. Pay attention to the rising and falling of your body as your breath filters into your body.
- Allow your breathe to become deeper and slower it will do this naturally.
- Become aware of one body part that you are grateful for that specific day. Maybe you went for a hike and you are grateful that your legs work and carried you up that hill. Or you read a book that you enjoyed, your eyes. Maybe you had a great work day you can thank your brain. Maybe you had an orgasm, bring into your awareness your vagina or clitoris. If you are (or were) a breast feeding mama then your breasts are priceless.
- Focus on that body part and cultivate genuine gratitude for how you benefited that day because of this body part. Feel love for this part of your body and how it contributed to you this day. In your mind and if possible out loud whisper “thank you __________(fill in that blank with your specific body part of the day), I appreciate how you support me and I gift you even greater health.”
- Continue to feel appreciation and love for that one body part. Then allow yourself to spread that love and gratitude and fall asleep immersed in that feeling.
- Make this your NEW fall asleep ritual. The more often consistent you are the better the results.
Wishing you Ultimate Vitality and Optimal Health,