Love Is NOT a Battlefield, A Warrior’s Awakening to the Power of Love part II
Love Is NOT a Battlefield, A Warrior’s Awakening to the Power of Love part II
And then everything went black…
The pain was gone. The loud pounding of his heart in his chest was gone. For a moment he thought that he had died.
He realized that sound from outside of him had returned and he recognized the soft sound of his wife’s breath as she slept next to him.
Had he been dreaming?!
Unsure he gently stretched his hand in the direction of his beloved. “Oh my GOSH! She is here and I am ALIVE!!
The warrior’s body was flooded with with the most blissful feeling. His heart full of joy, his mind in complete peace and appreciation. His body fully embodying his AWAKENING!
The warrior was at peace. He was suddenly very aware of how unconsciously he had behaved upon occasion in relating to his wife. He had not meant to. He had been completely unaware of the insanity of what it meant to “pick my battles” in his personal life.
There never was a battle to win. Just a discussion to have with a resolution and an agreement to follow. Somehow in his mind he had gotten this confused.
The warrior breathed a huge sigh of relief as he recognized the power and truth of love. That LOVE is the ULTIMATE super power that creates invincibility, dissolves barriers and connects all.
He vowed to himself that he would practice greater self awareness. He would be on the look out for his outdated ways and pay attention to behaviors that were diminishing his opportunities to experience great joy, love and peace in his life.
Now feeling like a true warrior he snuggled up to his wife, wrapped his arms around her and fell back into slumber with a Big smile on his face.
Sadly, happy endings are not always the case. Most people remain asleep to their behaviors and THEIR TRUE POTENTIAL!
Can you Imagine Enjoying a Strong, Genuinely Loving Partnership with Your Mate?
A Romance of a LIFETIME
Caring, Sharing and Growing Together Beyond What You Have EVER Experienced Before
True Partnership
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