Love Your Body
No matter what it looks like, how it is feeling or what it is doing. Your body is amazing and dynamic! The body that you had at 6 isn’t the same body that you had at 16 or will have at 26, 36, 46, 56 or 76.
Love your body at every age and stage.
It is the only human transport system your soul has on this planet in this life and it is responsive to how you feel about it, what you say to it and how you treat it.
When your body is healthy, praise it and be grateful for what it can and does for you. Treat it well!
When your body is ill or struggling with disease, LOVE it with all of your heart like you would your child or dear friend. Let it know that you care and that you will take care of it. Ask your body how you can help it to feel better. Then listen…you might be surprised at what you suddenly hear or think to do that improves your health or brings a bit of relief.
Earth time has its effects. As you age the body changes. The longer you are alive the longer this dear companion has been with you. Treat your aging body with reverence and appreciation. Laugh and smile now more than ever, keep those wrinkles upright and your body chemistry joyful.
Anytime your body needs a look boost make eye contact with yourself in the mirror, look into your soul and recall a healthy feeling or time. Allow your soul to keep your body youthful and strong.